The Dakota is a wonderful case size. I would ... The nice thing about both these cartridges is they will fit into a Howa/Vanguard and Rem 700 magazine (if not throated real long) with longer bullets vs something like the STW.
7mm stw case dimensions
Mag, to 7mm STW? If this is the case, I would set the barrel back at least a half a turn. When any re-chambering is done the end result would not to have any `shadows` of the old chamber left in the new chamber. By setting back you would be cutting ... You will get a clean new cut without setting the barrel back , Just look up the case dimensions for the two cartridges. As all belted cases they headspace off the belt the first firing and then off the shoulder if you neck size.
My buddies 7mm STW has issues. After firing a round the bolt handle lifts fine, but the case won`t extract from the chamber. We have to tap it out ... We have checked and re-checked the headspace measurements. We have& ...
New rifle ( T/C Dimension in 7mm rem mag) and needing to know what the best factory ammo choices are for deer hunting out to 700 yards. I will also ... I wanted 160gr Accubonds factory loaded, and at the time Nosler was the only company doing so, and back then it was still about $60.00 a box of 20. Not to mention that my .257 Wby and 7mm STW ammo had also peaked at $80 a box of 20. Then Federal quit loading my STW ammo with 160 Accubonds...... So, that& ...
The Dakota is a wonderful case size. I would ... The nice thing about both these cartridges is they will fit into a Howa/Vanguard and Rem 700 magazine (if not throated real long) with longer bullets vs something like the STW.
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